4月18號 晚上 6:00-7:30 pm 以及4月26號 中午1:00-2:30 pm, 在CCACC 9366 Gaither Rd有現場講座。保險專家會给大家講解並解答各位的疑問。
People often ask, if you are 65 years old and need to apply for a red or blue card, what do you need to know and what do you need to do.
There will be live lectures at CCACC 9366 Gaither Rd on April 18th from 6:00-7:30pm and April 26th from 1:00-2:30pm. Insurance experts will explain it to you and answer your questions.
Interested friends are welcome to participate. Each lecture is limited to 50 people. We will provide lunch boxes after the meeting.
This lecture requires prior registration