Click the following video to review the talk:
Presentation shared by our presenter, Sanjana Quasem, Project Manager from Asian American Health Initiative, Montgomery County
CCACC COVID Service Presentation
CCACC Health Service Center will continue to launch health seminars on the first Friday afternoon of each month in 2022.
Recently, the Omicron virus is raging, and the topic that everyone is most concerned about recently is the new coronavirus, as well as the resources for testing and vaccination.
This Friday (1.7.2022), we will provide a zoom meeting to the community regarding our COVID services (including various tests and vaccinations) . We also invited Sanjana.Quasem, the Program Manager of the Asian American Health Initiative of Montgomery Cuonty to update local COVID situation and resources of COVID serivces. Dr. Yao-Yao Zhu Medical Director of CCACC Health Center, will also answer questions related to COVID-19.
Please don't miss it.
Time: 4-5 pm on January 7th
Zoom: Meeting ID: 853 6552 8713 One tap mobile +13017158592,,85365528713# US (Germantown) +19292056099,,85365528713# US (New York)